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Dependable Steel Forging Sourcing Services

With over 20 years of forging and manufacturing experience, Compass & Anvil can provide knowledgeable sourcing assistance for your steel forging needs.

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Steel Forging Process

Steel is typically hot forged, a metal forming process that involves the metal being heated to a specified temperature and then modified. Some steel alloys require a modification of the hot forging process to ensure grain strength, resistance to corrosion, and limited oxidation. Due to a high level of corrosion resistance, stainless steel forging is used to create many manufactured parts across a number of industries.  

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Steel Forging – Material Information

Steel, an alloy of carbon and iron, is used for its high level of ductility and strength. The wide availability of steel in most markets has made it a frequently used option for cost effective metal fabrication.

There are three types of forged steel that are commonly found in the market:

  • Drawn Out Steel – Steel that is lengthened as the width is decreased.
  • Upset Steel – Steel length that is decreased as width is increased.
  • Squeezed-In – A closed die process that causes multi-directional flow, leading to a solid and compact shape.

Steel Forging Considerations

Steel Forging allows for many beneficial factors including:

  • Increased grain uniformity and strength
  • Increased ductility
  • Decreased chemical incongruities
  • Preventing strain hardening
  • High level of formability

Steel Forging has a few disadvantages, including:

  • Low levels of tolerance precision
  • Possible variations and warping caused by cooling process
  • Possible atmospheric reactions with the metal

Steel Forging Applications

Forged steel is utilized in a variety of industry applications, including industrial, consumer, medical, automotive, and agricultural,  locomotive, ship building, oil & gas, hand tools, hardware, and many more. Stainless steel forging is commonly used for the manufacturing of products that require corrosion-resistance and durability.

Contact us today at (408) 205-1319 (Pacific Time) or email us for a no obligation quote or to request additional information about steel forging processes.